Everyone wants to get their finances in order. Having less debt and more money will lead to much less stress in your daily life. It’s hard to keep your spending low during Christmas when you need to buy all kinds of gifts and decorations. So why not start planning for 2017?
When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, financial ones are often the best kind. They’ll help you not just for the upcoming year, but also long into the future. Here are some of the most practical financial goals you should set yourself for next year.
Beat Your Debt
With things like student loans, mortgages, and other personal loans, people accumulate all kinds of debt. Often, people take the approach of keeping debt for a long time and chipping away at it bit by bit. But you might want to set a goal to start proactively beating your debt.
One of the best ways to start tackling debt is to consolidate your loans. Some companies offer debt consolidation for all of your outstanding student debts. You can also find services to help with payday loans. Consolidating debts often works out cheaper and is much more manageable.
You could also take the approach of going after your debts one by one. If you focus all your savings on paying off one loan, you’ll have one less to worry about. You might want to start with the smallest to ball it over quick or take on the one with the highest interest rate to save more.
Make More Money At Home
Time is money, so you might want to use your free time to make more. There are many low-effort ways to earn money from the comfort of your home. Many require nothing but a computer, so it’s easy for anyone.
If you have some unique skills or talents, you might want to use them to make money. Sites like Fiverr let you offer all kinds of services to people for money. Typical tasks include copy writing and graphics editing. But there’s no limit to things you can offer- some people get paid for doing homework or singing happy birthday!
You could also make money from your smartphone. The Make Money app pays you for simple tasks such as watching videos and filling in surveys. The benefit is you can use it from anywhere! It’s perfect for traveling or commuting as well as home use.
Reduce Your Spending
Everyone should start a savings fund. All you need to do is spend less each month and put more away in an account or savings jar. But how can you start reducing your monthly expenditure?
Instead of paying full price for everything, start using coupons! You can find these in many places, from websites to newspapers and magazines. Many companies also offer discount codes to make your costs lower.
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