
Happy Easter Everyone!

Monday, April 2, 2018

I had meant to wish everyone a Happy Easter earlier  in the day but the day has just gotten away on me again. We are roasting in this Arizona desert- too hot to be outside.. in the RV today with the AC on. Even too hot to sit outdoors. Will be hitting the road in a few days and starting our trek north. I can honestly say at this point, I need to get out of here.

Did our RV living expenses for March-  ( prices in USD)
-Propane- $29.26
-RV gas -$285 ( but includes a fill for the trip home)
-SUV gas- $85 ( more this month I think because of more trips to the doggy park Jakey!)
-Laundry- $20.75
-Food- Yikes- this was up $100 despite groceries being cheap here- $621.62
-Water fill for RV with dumps- $60
-Take out - $28.68

We found .46 for the month of March. Donated to the United Way once again at the laundromat's collection box.

Had our window become separated on the left pane, and just noticed yesterday. Cannot take that on the highway so we have to find someone to pop it back in before we leave Tuesday. Gerry can fix alot of things but that isn't one of them! Well, he does try though!

Did a half hike today and morning was already very hot but went out to snap some photos of the nearby mountains, busy ants and a cactus that had bloomed and died ever so quickly.

** Update on the RV window. Got it popped back in and sealed.  Cost? $100 US but ended up costing us $140 CDN because we had to go get cash at ATM, as well as the exchange on the dollar for us . Not good but the guy came right to the RV so was nice and didn't inconvenience us in any way to have to leave our RV.


  1. Happy Easter to you as well. Hope you had a good one! It snowed several inches here in the Midwest. That's a pretty picture of the cactus.


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