
Can You Live In Nature For Less?

Monday, November 6, 2017

A frugal life needs to be an improvement on your current lifestyle. You can’t decide to spend less if you don’t live better at the end of it. However, while the debate is open as to what people need the most to improve their everyday existence, there’s a simple answer that you may not think of immediately and that is entirely free: Fresh air. This might come as a surprise at first, but when you think about it, air pollution is responsible for an always higher number of premature death every year all around the world. The air in urban areas is linked to breathing difficulties, skin condition, stress, and even cancer. Besides, a home in town costs a lot of money compared to a  home in the countryside. So can you live in the middle of nature for less?

Why in nature?
Even though air pollution affects the entire planet – as air circulates – there’s no denying people in town struggle with more health troubles that those who live in the countryside. In fact, according to the County Health Rankings in the USA, if you live in a city, you’re more likely to suffer from asthma, allergies, and dry eye, as a result of constant exposition to toxins and stress. The presence of antiseptic and chemically cleaned environments in town is also thought to have an impact on children’s immune systems and to encourage the development of allergies. In comparison, living on the green side of life doesn’t account for half as many health issues.

Get a taster
If you’re planning to give life in nature a go and to move out of town, you may want to spend a short holiday in the countryside to get a full taste of it. The Lodges, for instance, provide the ultimate retreat on North Carolina mountain. You can find cabins to rent for a trip and others for sale if you discover that you find in love with the area. You may not choose to spend the rest of your days 5,000 feet above water level, but it will do your lungs good to breathe some fresh air.

Sort out your budget: No home comes for free
The main question, of course, is whether or not you can afford to change your lifestyle. You may need to sit down with a broker to consider your mortgage options and find out the best possible deals for your financial situation. You might find that a countryside home is better value than a townhouse, as you can get bigger surfaces for the same price.

Plan the little extras
There’s another advantage of picking a home outside of town; namely, you can use your garden to grow your own vegetables. You don’t need to start with a large garden. You can start small in a sunny spot. As a rule of the thumb, a 16x10 feet garden is the ideal size to start, allowing you to feed a family of four for one summer and to keep a little extra for canning and freezing.

Moving out of town is a bold move but in the long term it can significantly improve your health, and your household budget too. Using the possibility to grow your own food can save you a lot of money, season after season!

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