Gerry tried his hand at jam
today. We had blueberries from last year still in the freezer and raspberries from the garden
.So will see how this turns out. We got a box of canning jars for $6.99 and some Certo
for $3.19, so it is cheaper than buying the jars in the store.
This was the no cook jam recipe.
On another note- we went away for a quick getaway, on Saturday and came back Sunday. It is a long weekend here in Canada.
Stopped over at Waskesui Lake, which is about 5 hours from here, had lunch, rented a double seater bike for half hour, and booted around the town. Hard to have much energy for anything when it is soo hot.I'd rather stay indoors I think.
We then headed to Prince Albert, where we did a bit of shopping, and used alot of gift cards
I had to use up.It was hot, but nice to get away for even a day.

the jam actually looks good.