How to Save Money with DIY Painting
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Once you have decided to save money by avoiding a painting contractor and doing the painting yourself, you are probably interested in more ways that you can trim your home improvement budget. There are plenty of ways that you can learn how to save money with DIY painting. In fact, saving more money is one of the reasons that people often paint their houses themselves - you can be sure that few painting contractors will use these cost cutting techniques. After using any of these tips, be creative and come up with your own money saving alternatives. You might be surprised what you find at your local home tools resale store or thrift shop.
Saving Money on Paint
Before you head out to buy paint, make sure that you accurately measure the surface that needs to be painted and buy only the amount of paint that you need. If a gallon of paint is enough for about 400 square feet, take this into consideration when buying multiple gallons. Remember, however, that a single coat is rarely enough to finish the job. Also, keep in mind that you will need to subtract window and door space from the calculation.
Once you have your measurements, don't rush off to the major home retail store just yet. Instead, try visiting a nearby recycling center or hazardous waste disposal facility and seeing what they have available in their lot. You may find hundreds of gallons of different paint at serious discounts. Construction companies and painting contractors will often bring their paint in for disposal much earlier than necessary. Take advantage of these low cost alternatives - even if it means going a shade brighter, even a painting contractor will tell you that.
Saving Money on the Project
Instead of buying roller pan liners from the store, just look for some cheap plastic grocery bags to serve as quick and free liners. If you don't have any available, you can often get a few from the local grocery store for free. Once you have used them, simply turn them inside out and throw them away. You can also just buy an old sheet from a thrift store to use as a drop cloth rather than investing in a heavy duty painter's drop cloth.
Finally, avoid using painter's tape. Masking tape will often work just as well at a fraction of the price. Many times, you don't even need to use the tape at all. Wasting money on painter's tape can be an added cost that you don't need. When you are ready to store leftover paint, use some plastic wrap over the top of the can before attaching the lid. Even a little bit of paint at the bottom of the can may be used later for trim so don't be too quick to get rid of it. Using the plastic wrap will preserve the life of the paint until you need it again.
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