
Thursday-April 7

Thursday, April 7, 2011

As you can see by the photo,we had a bit of a river running through our front yard.We seemed to have gotten some run off from the neighbour's yard and Gerry said it was quite high under our trailer as well with water, so he had to do some re-routing last evening.

One of my guinea pigs is sick.Not really sure with what- perhaps she had a stroke or has scurvy, but her back legs have failed on her and she's not much into eating or drinking.Am doing what I can for her but it doesn't look good for her.

Our granite counter top kit arrived today for our kitchen so it looks like Gerry will have a project to do for the weekend.This is a review we are doing for a Giani countertop makeover.Will be posting more on this as Gerry works on this project.

Recieved our part in for our carpet shampooer as well, so carpets were cleaned last weekend.( We have one in the living room- that needs replacing badly and one in our room.I'm still old school and love my carpeting.)Pretty much have completed my Spring cleaning. Just need to do windows and heavy bedding and pillows, once it warms up more outdoors to hang things on the line.Is everyone else done Spring cleaning or have you not yet started?

Weather is warming up so I've started walking outdoors today. My legs were feeling it though.You can indoor exercise all winter but it's not the same when you go outdoors and do something you haven't done for a good 6 months.

We got Erika a 42" Philips tv for $225.She actually got it from Kijiji in Calgary. (I'm trying to teach her how to shop smart-smile). The tv came with a warranty and is only 6 months old. The girl had bought it at Walmart for $800 but was moving and didn't want to take it with her.What a great deal!

Hope your all doing well and enjoying all our savings tips, and entering our giveaways- we love having you as followers!


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