A: The correct question is, how many light bulbs does it take. You must first try to retrieve your light bulbs from behind the couch faster than the ferret can hide them.
Ria - mom of ferrets "Polly" and "Zero".
Got to do another great review this week; "Ferrets for Dummies" by Kim Schilling! I love the "Dummies" books and think that everyone should be required to buy one when they are purchasing any new pet. So many animals are bought and brought home, without any type of knowledge on their housing, food requirements, behaviour, lifespan and other relevant information for a happy life. The "Ferrets for Dummies" book explains it all in simple language and terms that everyone can understand! The book also includes recipes for ferrets, information on first-aid and ailments and includes a few pages of pictures which are way too cute!
The information in the book is well organized with contents ranging from, Is a Ferret Right for You?, Basic Care and Feeding, Health Issues, Behaviour and Training and Breeding. Each chapter is broken down into smaller, more specific sections and from what I have read so far, the author leaves nothing out! The book is written with a wonderful sense of humor (which you MUST have if you own a ferret!) and is very entertaining and informative.
One of my favorite parts in this book was the chapter on introducing new ferrets. I am currently thinking about adding another fuzzball to my ferret family and have had problems with this is the past. The book not only includes great tips for ferret-ferret relationships, but ferret-cat and ferret-dog introductions as well. Another great chapter was on ferret-proofing. The book recommends many ways you can help to keep your ferret(s) safe while playing in your home. Anyone who has owned a ferret will know how quick they can get into trouble! Curiosity may have killed the cat but it can injure a ferret very quickly if you are not constantly assessing their environment. Despite my own vigilant ferret-proofing, I still find myself learning new things, usually after a ferret has gotten into something they shouldn't have and/or gotten hurt. There is also a large section on ferret illness/conditions and saying goodbye which I enjoyed reading. I am a constant poop-checker, always on the lookout for any signs of sickness or disease (or foreign materials!) and having put 2 ferrets to sleep in the past, I have spent countless hours Googling symptoms when each of them got sick. This book contains a wide range of signs, symptoms and treatments on everything fuzzy.
I also have to say that I REALLY love the "for Dummies" bright yellow covers and spines - see how it fits so nicely on my color-organized bookshelf (saw that on Pinterest!) It will join "Sex for Dummies" and "Spanish for Dummies" once I have read it through a few more times! With everything that goes on during the day, it can be easy to forget to have patience with the little fuzzbutts or to "not have enough time to play". Reading parts of this book reminded me just how special my fur-kids are to me and some great new ways that I can keep them (and me) entertained when playing. Also, Chapter 20 is on "Dealing with the Behaviourally Challenged Ferret" which I hope will help me to better understand Polly's ADHD behaviour which gets really annoying some days!
Got to do another great review this week; "Ferrets for Dummies" by Kim Schilling! I love the "Dummies" books and think that everyone should be required to buy one when they are purchasing any new pet. So many animals are bought and brought home, without any type of knowledge on their housing, food requirements, behaviour, lifespan and other relevant information for a happy life. The "Ferrets for Dummies" book explains it all in simple language and terms that everyone can understand! The book also includes recipes for ferrets, information on first-aid and ailments and includes a few pages of pictures which are way too cute!
The information in the book is well organized with contents ranging from, Is a Ferret Right for You?, Basic Care and Feeding, Health Issues, Behaviour and Training and Breeding. Each chapter is broken down into smaller, more specific sections and from what I have read so far, the author leaves nothing out! The book is written with a wonderful sense of humor (which you MUST have if you own a ferret!) and is very entertaining and informative.
One of my favorite parts in this book was the chapter on introducing new ferrets. I am currently thinking about adding another fuzzball to my ferret family and have had problems with this is the past. The book not only includes great tips for ferret-ferret relationships, but ferret-cat and ferret-dog introductions as well. Another great chapter was on ferret-proofing. The book recommends many ways you can help to keep your ferret(s) safe while playing in your home. Anyone who has owned a ferret will know how quick they can get into trouble! Curiosity may have killed the cat but it can injure a ferret very quickly if you are not constantly assessing their environment. Despite my own vigilant ferret-proofing, I still find myself learning new things, usually after a ferret has gotten into something they shouldn't have and/or gotten hurt. There is also a large section on ferret illness/conditions and saying goodbye which I enjoyed reading. I am a constant poop-checker, always on the lookout for any signs of sickness or disease (or foreign materials!) and having put 2 ferrets to sleep in the past, I have spent countless hours Googling symptoms when each of them got sick. This book contains a wide range of signs, symptoms and treatments on everything fuzzy.
I also have to say that I REALLY love the "for Dummies" bright yellow covers and spines - see how it fits so nicely on my color-organized bookshelf (saw that on Pinterest!) It will join "Sex for Dummies" and "Spanish for Dummies" once I have read it through a few more times! With everything that goes on during the day, it can be easy to forget to have patience with the little fuzzbutts or to "not have enough time to play". Reading parts of this book reminded me just how special my fur-kids are to me and some great new ways that I can keep them (and me) entertained when playing. Also, Chapter 20 is on "Dealing with the Behaviourally Challenged Ferret" which I hope will help me to better understand Polly's ADHD behaviour which gets really annoying some days!
We are ferrants to 5 ferrets :) When we first rescued ferrets in 2006 this was a helpful book.