
Baking for This and That

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Since Erika is graduating next year, fundraising has already begun. Part of which will include a bake sale at our town's Festival of Trees, this upcoming Saturday. I baked 4 dozen bake sale items, and then will be volunteering some time selling.Also had told myself I would start our Christmas baking after I had finished baking for her bake sale. Although I made some easy Marshmallow Puffs today, ( which I include every year in my Christmas baking boxes),Erika wanted me to keep them for now and not save these ones for Christmas.So I did. It always happens around here. It's almost like trying to keep everyone out of the Halloween candy! Last year when I baked, and froze what I needed to complete all the baking boxes, Ria was over and getting into the frozen baking...grrrr.Does this happen at your house too? You have to keep guard on what you freeze for the holidays?


  1. To stop family members raiding my freezer I always label containers with"chicken livers".This works unless your family actually likes chicken livers! Good Luck!


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