How To Clean Your Home The Natural Way
Thursday, November 5, 2009
When it comes to cleaning and freshening your home, natural products can be just as effective as man made solutions. They're better for the environment, and they can help you avoid many of the nasty man-made toxins found in air fresheners, abrasive cleaners and sprays.
Take a look what a simple lemon can do....
Chopping boards
To get rid of smells and kill off any stubborn germs, rub your board all over with the cut side of half a lemon.. Give it a really good scrub. Let the juice dry, then rinse off with water.
Kitchen cabinets
To keep your cabinets clean and grease-free, just mix 1/4 of a cup of juice with a mug of hot water, and wipe the surfaces down as required.
Plastic containers
Rub half a lemon over the insides and let it sit in the sun for a day. The sun and the lemon juice will bleach out all the stains and make the container look as good as new.
Lime scale
Use a half lemon to clean the lime scale off a sink or faucet. Rub the cut end over the crusty spot and rinse away.
Air freshener
Use lemon to freshen the air by making a mixture of equal parts lemon juice and water and putting it in a spray bottle.
Bad Smelling Bins
If your kitchen bin is starting to pong a bit, just stick some lemon peel in it. Likewise, if you have a waste disposal unit, toss the peel down the drain .
Most people use basic supermarket bleach to remove stains, but there's a problem with this. The chemicals can lift the iron content from the water and deposit them as stains in the fabric. So if you want to remove marks on clothes, try soaking them in a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda for at least half an hour before washing normally.
Sweat stains
You can remove unsightly underarm stains from shirts and blouses simply by scrubbing them with a mixture of equal parts lemon juice and water.
Powerful clothes wash
Lemon juice has enough clout to lift stains like rust and mineral discolorations. Pour 1 cup of lemon juice into the washer during the wash cycle. The natural bleaching action of the juice will zap the stains and leave the clothes smelling fresh.
To get rid of mildew on clothes, make a paste of lemon juice and salt and rub it on the offending area, then dry the clothes in sunlight. Repeat the process until the stain is gone.
Make your whites whiter!
Simply add some juice to your wash, and the bleaching effect of the citrus will whiten your whites. Add more or less depending on how much whitening you want to do.
Window cleaning
Simply cut a lemon into quarters and rub a section over your windows, squeezing the lemon as you go. As soon as you've finished, wipe the glass with a damp cloth, then with a dry one.
Microwave cleaning
To clean a microwave, place half a lemon in water and cook on high for about 5 minutes. This loosens and stubborn burnt on foods, making them easy to wipe away with a damp cloth.
Fridge odours
To keep your fridge odour free, cut a lemon in half and put it on a saucer right near the back of your fridge. The lemon will happily sit there and suck up any rotten smells coming from your fridge, so when you come to clean it out it won't be such a disgusting job.
Air freshener
Stick an enamel cast-iron pot or bowl on your hob. Fill with water and add lemon peels, cinnamon sticks, cloves, and apple skins. Bring the water to a simmer and let the vapour drift through the house, freshening the place as it goes.
Cat litter smells
Cut a handful of lemons in half, and leave them face up on a plate in the room. The lemon flesh will soak up the smell, and replace it with the soft scent of lemon groves instead.
These are just a few of the remedies you can discover if you go to:
Ray Collins is the author of 'The Lemon Book: Mother Nature's Cure All For Everyday Problems'.
Author: Phil Monk
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