
Playtime for the Kids

Friday, November 20, 2009

 Remember when you kids were little, you just loved playing in those big boxes for hours,( perhaps you can approach a furniture store for a big box from a washer, dryer, fridge or stove), hang up a blanket for a door, use some of them as your bus. Kids can enjoy a "free" toy just as much as an expensive one when they are little.

*** Tip from my mom.Thanks!


  1. I remember playing in boxes with blankets and making forts. It was great fun, and inexpensive too!

  2. My personal favorite was the Refrigerator box!! It was so fun!

    Thanks for reminding me :-).
    - Swati

  3. My children would much rather paly with boxes and baskets than anything else.

  4. It's so true - kids always go for the simplest, cheapest toy.
    Visiting from MBC and am now following. Lovely blog!

  5. My kids LOVE that. For birthdays we fill them with balloons then let them play in the box after they're all out! Great fun!

    Following from MBC.


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