
Book Review: Cent-sible Homemaking by Jean Clark

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Cent-sible Homemaking
An Adventure in Frugal Living
by Jean Clark

For all of you homemakers out there, Jean Clark comes to the rescue in Cent-sible Homemaking: An Adventure in Frugal Living. Admitting that she hasn't always made the right choices, Jean teaches us the lessons she's learned from her mistakes and imparts wisdom from all the times her efforts were a success. With practical tips for comfortable living on an uncomfortable income; healthy, tasty recipes for nourishing a family of any size; and master lists that make grocery shopping fun, Cent-sible Homemaking is a necessity for every home's book collection and the perfect gift for the newly-wed homemaker!

This is a really down to earth book that has the author talking about her thrifty life, and how she made living with less, easier, by making smarter choices with the family budget.
She loved being a homemaker and made her dollars stretch.
There are plenty of recipes in this book as well for anyone wanting to get away from processed foods and get back to simple baking and cooking.Recipes handed down from generation, make this a priceless book.
Half the book is Jean's story and the other half contains her healthy, tasty recipes.A must read, "hard to put down" book for anyone wanting to get back to the basics in the home and especially the kitchen.
Would make a perfect  bridal shower gift, paired with some tea towels,dish rags and baking pans!

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