
6 Ways to Make Money From Your Kitchen

Friday, June 18, 2010

You worked hard to own your dream home. Isn’t it time your home started doing something extra for you aside from being a roof over your head? So why not put your home to work? The kitchen at least. Here are six ways to make money from your kitchen.

1. Like Momma Used To Make

Go an old family recipe that never fails to satisfy? One that your relatives clamor for whenever they show up at Christmas? Well, maybe your little masterpiece will tickle the taste buds of everyone else, too. Why not find out? Whip up a big batch and let your neighbours try it for free. Quiz them on afterwards to determine precisely what they like and, more importantly, don’t like about the treat. Once you’ve done your research, you can start offering it around to local bakeries or stores. Many a food empire has been launched this way.

2. Your Kitchen on the WWW

If you just love to bake, then it’s time to start telling the world. Start your own blog where you discuss recipes and your favourite secret ingredients. Hunt up the best blog sites for what you are offering and sign on. Spread the word, grow your blog, and, before you know it, you can make arrangements with web advertisers to post their ads on your blog in exchange for small cash amounts every time a visitor clicks on one of the banners.

3. Cater To Your Neighbours’ Needs

Start up your own catering service. If you’re sure you’ve got the culinary chops, then put the word out around town that you are ready to make someone’s next big soiree one that guests will never forget. Professional catering is not cheap and you can sell for less without passing on the swank.

4. Class Is In Session

Advertise cooking classes to be held in your kitchen for a fee. Keep the classes small at first, unless you’ve got a lot of room and food, and have a ton of fun passing on your knowledge to folks around the neighbourhood, around the block and, eventually, all over town while making sure your pantry or your wallet never runs empty. Have exams, issue degrees to those who have mastered your culinary arts.

5. Finger Food, Finger Bucks

If your dreams aren’t big and you’d rather your time in the kitchen doesn’t take over your life, you can still turn an honest buck from you kitchen. Limit yourself to merely preparing finger food to sell at your next yard sale or the next time the neighbourhood gets together for a block sale. You’re guaranteed to make a few bucks.

6. Kitchen For Rent

If you’ve got the kitchen that everyone else on the block wishes they had, then why not give it to them? For a fee. Rent out your kitchen to you neighbours when they are hosted a party and need a lot of room to whip up tasty confections. They’ll be sure to have a party that runs smoothly and you’ll have a few extra dollars in your pocket.

This article was written by Andrew Salmon. He writes for a life insurance website called


  1. It is great to think outside the box.. always ways to make money that could add up. Great post..

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