
Fun Things to Do On Father's Day

Friday, June 18, 2010

Father’s Day is celebrated by about 55 different countries around the world, on the third Sunday in June. This is a day to show fathers, grandfathers and other father-figures how much they are cared for and appreciated. It is believed that the first Father’s Day was held on June 13, 1910 but it was not proclaimed as a national holiday until President Richard Nixon signed it into law in 1972. Here are 10 fun things to do on Father’s Day:

Sports Game. Take Dad to go see his favorite in-season, sports team. Bring Dad to a game being played on Father’s Day, or gift a pair of tickets to view a game at a later date. This would depend on his favorite sport teams and when they play. Baseball is in season during Father’s Day and since it’s the All-American Sports Game, even a Dad that doesn't watch baseball on a regular basis would love to go see a live game. Football tickets, Basketball tickets and Hockey tickets for next season would be a wonderful choice.

Family Picnic. Pack up a simple picnic lunch and grab a blanket and some games. A family picnic is a fun thing to do on Father’s Day. This is a great way to spend some quality time with Dad where the whole family can have fun, no matter what the children’s ages are. Just pack appropriately for an afternoon away. Foods such as cheese and crackers, sandwiches, fruit, chips, juice boxes and beverages in plastic containers carry well for picnics. Avoid foods that could spoil, such as mayonnaise, milk, and tuna fish. Bring a simple game to play on the blanket during the picnic or picnic at a park with a playground for kids.

Fishing. Fishing is an inexpensive way to spend some time with Dad. Kids of all ages enjoy fishing, though younger kids may need help baiting the hook. Bring along a camera to take pictures of the catches of the day or to just record all the smiles and memories. Use fresh bait like chunk Mackerel for ocean fishing. Worms and lures are great for freshwater fishing. Bring a cooler with a picnic lunch and a blanket to make the day last longer and to enjoy the fresh air with the family.

BBQ. Have all the fathers and grandfathers in the family over for a BBQ. Instead of having the Dad’s cook, designate a mom or a male that is not a father to do all the cooking. Let the dad’s rest, relax, and enjoy the day with family and friends. Find out what all the fathers and grandfathers favorite foods, snacks, and drinks are and make them at this cook-out. Really go all out and have the fathers be kings for a day and kids can serve the food and drinks. Have the kids make Dad and Grandpa a crown to wear for the day.

Car Show. Lots of dads would enjoy a trip to a local car show to look at old, new, and creative vehicles. Car shows are fun things to do on Father’s Day because they are free or inexpensive and a great way for the family to gather together to see an event and have lots to talk about. Have each person pick out their favorite car and talk about why it’s a favorite. The family can also talk about what type of car they’d like to have a show and share details of this dream car.

Airport. If Dad prefers planes, go to a small local airport and watch the different planes taking off and landing. Walk around and look at the airplanes up close. Maybe Dad could speak with a pilot, or better yet, if the budget allows get Dad a flying lesson in one of these small planes. Most small airports have introductory to flying lessons, or other similar one-time opportunities to get into a plane and sore in the air. Take Grandpa and Grandma along too for a full family Father’s Day event. Bring drinks, snacks, and toys or games to keep kids occupied if they start feeling board. Don’t forget a camera to document this special day.

Treasure Hunt. Create a treasure hunt for Dad. Leave him clues around the house and yard that lead to a treasure, such as a gift. The gift can be small or large, or even something hand made. Kids will have fun hiding the notes and then watching Dad follow their clues to his special treasure. They could also provide hits to made Dad’s job a little easier, such as telling him he’s “hot” when he’s going in the right direction or “cold” when he’s going in the wrong direction. Kids will really think this is a fun thing to do on Father’s Day.

Plant a Tree. Have the entire family help plant a tree. Then, over the years, visit the tree on Father’s Day and watch the tree grow, talk about when it was planted and reminisce. Take a family picture in front of the tree every Father’s Day to track the tree and the family’s growth over the years. A sign could also be placed near the tree to dedicate it to Dad. The tree could be planted in a yard or at one of Dad’s favorite places.

Movies and Photos. Take out old photos, movies, slides, or other media that can bring back memories. If possible, get some pictures of Dad when he was little. Ask him to talk about his childhood and share some stories with the rest of the family. Make some popcorn and give everyone their own bowl. This is a free way to do something fun on Father’s Day. Take it a step further and have all these old pictures and movies placed onto CDs to preserve them forever. Local retail stores and Media Companies often provide this type of service.

Take Dad to Movie Theater. Most Fathers like action movies, so take the family out to the movie theater to see the movie of Dad’s choice. A great movie that all dads would love is to see the new A-Team movie. It is a remake of a classic TV show from the early ‘80s. Iron Man 2, Prince Of Persia and Robin Hood are other great movie suggestions for Dad. If the kids are older and Dad likes scary movies, take him to see Splice. If the kids are young, go check out the new Karate Kid movie, Shrek 3 or Marmaduke. After the movie take Dad to get an ice-cream cone and everybody can talk about their favorite parts of the film.

There are lots to do on Father’s Day and can only be only by the planner’s imagination. Make use of the ideas I provided, or use them for inspiration to make up your own ideas. Father’s don’t need an extravagant gift, or an expensive weekend away to know that his family loves him. Plan an outing from the heart and it will always be a memorable event and perhaps even a new family tradition! This post was provided by Nathan from ComplexSearch  a personal finance , Deals and Travel Blog.

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