
Sunday- July 31

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Wow- the last day of July already.How has your summer been going?

I must admit I don't go out too much in the heat. I'm not a beach person and we don't camp.I do however, like to get out for a daily walk but it's usually early in the morning before it gets hot. I know once I start heating up, those pesty sandflies are all over me.

I've been feeling tired alot too and not sure if it's the weather or my health.I'd like summer more if we had more of a breeze but the humidy gets high and it doesn't feel too pleasant.

Haven't been out blueberry picking yet either this year. The trees we dug up last year and transplanted in our yard didn't grow leaves or berries this year.Gerry said we'll give them one more year to see if anything will happen. I see people selling berries by the bags full on our local buy and sell Facebook, for $20-$25.I had been selling alot of things we had leftover from our garage sale earlier this year, and cleaning out the sheds and garages of what we didn't need. Gerry said everything looks so cleaned out now! It's nice selling what we weren't using though and having money in our wallets every day.I told Gerry that now that he's getting his workshop more completed inside, he can think of making some handcrafted projects to sell with scrap wood.He's talented and there are always people wanting to buy "something".

As for camping, we have camped in the past but I really hate bugs and all we have is tents.That also means getting up at night like I usually have to do and walking through the bush to the bathrooms- and I really don't want to do that anymore in this stage of my life, ( my 45th birthday is coming soon- on the 7th of August, as well, next month will be 2 years that my site has been online).

Gerry has been quite busy renovating around here as well.Working on a few rooms- happy to say, all paid with cash and no charging! Personally , he makes me tired just watching all the work he's been doing!

Hope your enjoying your summer everyone.


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