
July 1- Happy Canada Day

Friday, July 1, 2011

I have a confession. I was a bit of a party pooper this year and didn't take part in any Canada Day celebrations. Last night were the fireworks, but we were already in bed at midnight. Ria and Erika went though.Today was a small town parade as well as some outdoor things going on at the ball diamond, but after seeing the same thing for years, we opted to stay home.Most things that were happening were geared more towards families with little kids. I did some house cleaning and Gerry has been busy with the backyard still.Still working on the workshop and now changing around a few of his smaller sheds.Making work for himself.

Next week we have carpet coming in for the living room. I know everyone has been putting laminate/hardwood flooring in, but we really still like our carpet and I was able to get a good deal on some from the city.Since Gerry has dealings with shipping in his job, we are able to have it shipped to us for no cost.Will still have to get someone to lay it. Gerry is a "Jack of All Trades" but carpet laying he says, isn't one of them.Once the carpet is laid in the living room we only have one room left that we are putting floor tiles in.They will go in our spare room, replacing grey carpet in there.All flooring was bought on clearance deals we got.

We have been getting summer weather finally but it makes it quite tiring for doing much of anything. I find I just don't have alot of ambition to do anything.But it's supper time now, and with being on a lunch and supper schedule around here, I must run off and cook. We're having homemade pizza tonight- always a favorite at our house.


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