I don't always have the time to update everyone about what has been happening with us, but sometimes I get random thoughts, jot them done, and then if I have a few moments, like to share.
-I started my Christmas baking last night- made some nanamio squares. Each year I bake an assortment of Christmas baking, and start freezing. At Christmas time, I have little boxes I make up and share with the family. It's become a tradition with me, and one that I've been doing for a few years.
-We'll be putting up our Christmas tree later this year. Erika won't be home from college till at least the 18th or 19th of Dec.,and wanted us to wait, so we could all decorate together.She'll be flying from Calgary to Saskatoon.Either her dad or us will pick her up, and then one will drive her back to Saskatoon to catch the plane, in January. We didn't want her driving. With winter and icy/snowy roads, it's much safer that we drive.Calgary is a 12 hour drive from where we live. She is hoping next year to transfer her credits for her accounting, and move closer to home.
-Gerry is back to work tommorow, after being off for 2 weeks. Although he did go into work today to put some furniture together. I'm sure it will be tough getting up at 6 am again.
Hope your all enjoying your Sunday.

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