I'm getting caught up on some emails, housework, etc.. and Gerry is repainting Erika's room. When she moved out last summer to go to college, it was pink, but of course now with all the painting we had been doing throughout, it just didn't blend with the rest of the place. We have mostly neutral colors in here: green, beige, etc. He has one of those frequent buyer paint cards and was at the end of his card for filling it up, where 6=1 free can. Got the primer and then the paint was free.A savings of about $25-$30. We'll be doing that room the same color as the living room.( I tried uploading a photo of the room a few times but it just didn't want to upload.)
Her room is an addition on our mobile home.Everything has been cleared out basically, so it's an empty room with my exercise bike in it, but we'd eventually like to be able to furnish it for a guest room.Last time she was here we blew up the air mattress for her, but would like to make it more homey.Of course, all that costs money, and we don't have one of those "money trees".Still trying to renovate the living room too.
We just ordered ourselves winter boots, but got them from Sears at half off.Yes, we have snow here- lots of it too, and I hate winter. I'd love to relocate in my retirement years to someplace warmer- at least for a few months out of the winter.Gerry still has 7-8 years till his retirement.We're trying to win the lottery but it just ain't happening yet!
Hope your all enjoying your day!

Hi, Monique. I can't even imagine what it will be like when my boys leave the nest and go off to college. It is unseasonably warm here in NYC so I am hoping we can keep the snow and cold at bay for a little bit longer. Thank you for participating in Monday Mingle. I am now a follower and I would love to add you to my blog followers too.
ReplyDeleteFollowing you too! Welcome!