45 Tested Secrets To Help Save On Vacations & Traveling
Thursday, June 3, 2010
1. When vacationing, save on transportation by staying
close to home.
2. Save on film developing and printing by ordering from
mail order firms.
3. Look for banks that offer traveler's checks as a free
4. If you decide to take an ocean cruise, take a "no
frills" freighter.
5. Save on air fares by making arrangements ahead of
time for special discounts.
6. You can also save on air fares by taking night
7. If possible, vacation during the "off season" when
prices drop.
8. If handy with a sewing machine, make your family's
vacation clothes.
9. Eating away from home can be expensive. Travel with
packaged snacks purchased from supermarkets along the way.
10. Discontinue newspaper deliveries while away from
11. Never travel on credit unless you can pay the bills
when due.
12. Rental cars are costly. If possible, drive your own
car while on vacation.
13. Consider sharing vacation homes. It's less costly
than hotels/motels.
14. Investigate "budget motels" that charge less. Get
details from library.
15. A "camping" vacation is fun and inexpensive.
National parks, forest service campgrounds, etc., let you
camp free or for just a small fee a night. Some even
operate "rent-a-tent" programs.
16. Plan in advance. Take proper clothing along for the
climate you will be experiencing so you won't have to
spend vacation money on new clothes.
17. Never borrow to pay for your vacation.
18. On business trips, keep records & receipts for all
deductible expenses.
19. Use toll-free "800" phone numbers to handle your
accommodations. Airlines, railways, bus lines, hotels,
motels, car rental chains, etc., will pay for your calls
when you make reservations.
20. Consider staying at inexpensive hostels. All you
need to bring is your own bath towels and bed linens.
They accept all age groups. For information contact:
American Youth Hostel, 1332 I St. N.W., Washington, D.C.
21. If you select accommodations with cooking facilities,
you will be able to save considerably on a major expense:
22. When sending picture postcards, use the correct
23. Vacation on a budget...and STICK TO IT!
24. Buy "practical" souvenirs that won't end up at future
garage sales.
25. When traveling with pets, take along a good supply of
their favorite foods.
26. Travel with a portable electric iron for quick,
no-cost press jobs.
27. Carry a hot plate for fast, economical hot snacks.
28. Pack wash 'n' wear clothes and use coin operated
29. Many wash 'n' wear items can be washed by hand in
your motel room.
30. Enjoy picnic-style meals in public parks. Buy food
at supermarkets.
31. Carry a small sewing kit for minor clothing repairs.
Also spot remover.
32. Pack shoe polish and shine your own shoes.
33. Take advantage of the free tourist attractions in
cities and tourist areas such as free gardens, museums,
restored villages, monuments, etc.
34. Pack a small first aid kit and save on minor scrapes,
cuts, bruises, etc.
35. Have an auto checkup from a reliable home-town
mechanic before you leave.
36. Leave pets with friends instead of boarding them at
37. Take advantage of hotels/motels offering special
"family rates".
38. Keep tank filled so you can shop around for lowest
gasoline prices.
39. Check ahead and reserve the most inexpensive
40. You may be able to if your phone is disconnected
while away.
41. Turn off the gas while away from home; also electric
water heater.
42. On business trips, keep mileage record & gas receipts
for tax purposes.
43. If you have friends or relatives in your vacation
area, stay with them.
44. Consider renting an inexpensive camper or mobile
45. consider staying home & doing all the things you
never had time to do.
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