There has been a significant increase in individuals starting pet sitting businesses over the last few years due to the jobs appeal and flexibility. It is a great business for those of you that love animals and are looking to earn a little extra cash. Pet sitting typically involves brushing and feeding the animals, taking them on walks, and especially giving them love and attention while their owners are away. Pet sitting is also very appealing for homeowners that want to keep their pets in the comfort of their own home while also ensuring the safety of their house. For those of you that are considering starting your own pet sitting business, here are a few things to help you get started.
Before you consider starting your own pet sitting business, you may want to think about how much time you have on your hands. Any business requires your time and commitment in order to be a success. You will want to add in driving time to and from the pet owners home, as well as the cost of gas in order to decide if pet sitting is something you want to do. Remember not to take on more pets than you can handle. This will be too stressful and you will no longer enjoy the job you once loved.
In order to have a successful pet sitting business, you want to investigate other pet sitting services in your area to see what people are charging. You want to offer your clients competitive prices so that they won’t feel overcharged and will consider you instead of a kennel for the job. You may also consider setting a mile limit on how far you will travel to pet sit. The point of a business is to earn money and if you are spending more on gas, your profit will be little. During the holidays, you may want to up your charge due to high demands. Holidays will be the most popular time for pet owners to travel, which is a market you want to hit.
The next step to take when trying to earn money with a pet sitting business is to decide which kinds of pets you would like to take care of. This can depend on your preference, or area of expertise. Some people only like taking care of small cats and dogs, while others will venture into sitting for exotic animals. The best part about owning your own business is that you are able to decide which pets you will care for. The more kinds of animals you are available to take care of, the more money you will make. Try to be open-minded and give different kinds of animals a chance. You may end up liking it and want to pet sit for that animal again.
In order to let the owners know how pet sitting is going, provide your pet owner with a daily log that details every day spent with the animal. This will assure your clients that the animals are well taken care of and gives proof that you are putting in that extra effort to ensure the animals are happy and cared for. Consider leaving a “welcome back” form that reminds the pet owners to contact you when they have arrived home and evaluates the state of the animal upon arrival. This will help give you feedback about what you can improve on and what is going well.
Lastly, if your customers are happy, chances are they will tell their friends about you and business will increase. You can also try advertising in your local newspaper or online to increase your pet business productivity. You will most likely see an increase in sales, which will really help you achieve success in your pet sitting business.
Kyle Simpson writes for Coin Collecting where you can find information on vintage and rare coins and chat with other members via the online forum.
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