BabyWraps, Quick, Cuddly Quilts by Karla Alexander:
Blast Off! and Fly Away, Loose Arrows, Over the Moon, Hide'n'Seek, FlutterBy, and Baby's Patchwork . Ok, Ladies, it's time to make a baby quilt! If you love making baby quilts here is a neat little quilt book. The patterns are designed for the typical "all-boy", "all-girl", or by changing the colors, to unisex. These little quilts can be sewn in a weekend. These bright and spunky quilts bring life to a child's room. The patterns are easy, there is a good set of instruction, both written and visual for each quilt. I LOVE the pink and the blue patchwork quilts, it will be fun choosing a color theme.
There are eight adorable quilt patterns featuring Karla's easy-as-pie piecing techniques. This would be a good book to take on a quilting retreat, and would be a wonderful addition to any household library. I love to make baby quilts to have on hand for when someone has a new baby. Fabrics have never been nicer, so ladies, are you going to join me in making a baby quilt?

ReSew turn thrift-store finds into fabulous designs by Jenny Wilding Cardon:
Are you living on a shoe-string? Are you handy with a sewing machine? Yearning for a unique look---well, this book, "Resew", is for you.
After going through this book I will think twice about going out and buying something new. If you want to save money, thrift store shopping and your imagination can totally change clothes into garments that are truly unique.
I was surprised that something plain like a sweatshirt could be changed into a sleeveless V top with cool decorating. Not buying any extras but using what you have. You can go from boring to exciting just with a pair of scissors, and a sewing machine. My oldest granddaughter is very creative, she loves making her own style. There are pages of making awesome skirts from curtains, sheets or pants. No, they are not weird looking, on the contrary, very pretty.
This has me thinking, why didn't I think of that? Reading over history books, in the 1930s, kids' clothes would be remade from adults' outfits that had worn out, the good parts saved. We are a throw away society, and are prone to debt. It is too easy to buy something new. There is also a pattern for a paper clip rug, based on the "toothbrush" rug. The style is similar to a braided or crocheted rug but requires much less fabric. Old jeans are perfect for this project.
You can make anything by recycling, a four patch sheet quilt, mittens, matching hat and scarf from an old sweater. The possibilities are endless. Just think your garment won't look like one of the mass-produced, it will be unique, really you, hip, or cool. It will SAVE you money, and show your friends just how creative you are. I always look for plain t-shirts at Walmart, so much cheaper.....I then machine embroider on them, use appliques I have kicking around, tie dye them, in other words change them. These t-shirts make great gifts....if I can do it so can you. You will have something nobody else in your neighborhood has. This book leaves it up to your imagination.
I like the idea of remaking clothing into other things. I'm not so handy with a sewing machine, but this would be a good gift for my sister.