In 1974 it was decided that the month of March would celebrate the peanut. It is hard to find anyone that doesn't love peanuts and all the versatility they offer, unless you are among the unfortunate that have peanut allergies. Peanuts can be found just about everywhere and in everything. A simple peanut butter and jelly makes an easy meal, and asian cuisine would be lost without the many uses of peanuts . These delicious nuts are also used in some great treats, such as chocolate peanut butter ice cream and some of the world’s most famous candy bars. Additionally, the peanut can even be considered a nostalgic nut as it has been the staple snack at baseball games for years.
Please visit our sponsers this month:
-Peanut Butter & Co.-all natural peanut butter- a company with a passion for peanut butter
-Barney Butter-peanut butter alternative for the millions of Americans who are allergic to peanuts or looking for a healthier option
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