A great new site has arrived for those who LOVE to garage and yard sale.
The site offers individuals the ability to advertise garage sales on the internet. They strive to make advertising yard sales as effective and efficient as possible. By featuring tools that allow prospective buyers to more easily find garage sales, their site will give you great exposure for your yard sale. Below are a list of features that makes this site effective:
For Sellers:
Additional exposure!!! Advertise a garage sale on Garage Sale Tracker and get additional exposure for your garage sale.
More time. Get up to two months exposure for your garage sale. More time means more potential buyers.
Add images to your listing for FREE.
Increased visibility for your yard sale
Unlimited word count. No limit on the number of words you can use to describe items in your yard sale.
Rain out guarantee. If it rains on the day you are having your yard sale. You can change your sale date at NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE.
For Buyers:
FREE to use. Find garage sales using either the search or browse sales tools.
Filter results. Use the “Items for sale” tool to find yard sales selling exactly what you want.
Imbedded driving directions. Driving directions to the garage sale are provided on the site. No more copying and pasting address to get driving directions.
Automated driving directions. Create an account and get automated routing instructions to all garage sales.
Contact the seller. Have a question about an item on a garage sale listing? Call the seller or use the contact form at the bottom of each listing to contact the seller via email.
And- to celebrate their release of their iphone application- they are giving away two free iphones!
Drop by today-it's a great concept.. and a sure thing for garage and yard salers!
*** This has been a paid public service announcement.
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