Ways to Save on Your Next Vacation
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Vacations can be expensive if you don’t plan ahead of time. What I find that a lot of my friends do is that they just start booking any trip that they find online without doing any research! This is probably one of the worst things that you can do. Not only are you not going to save money, you’re going to find that the vacation is just going to break your wallet.
I wanted to give you a few pointers that I have used when planning a trip. It’s really not that hard to save on your vacation if you try hard enough.
#1 Try and drive – If you have a family of 4 or more, you’re going to find that it’s going to be a lot easier to drive, rather than fly. It’s going to save you a lot of money and it’s going to be more convenient for the kids as well. In today’s economy, a plane ticket can easily cost $300 per person.
#2 Name your own price – Priceline has the coolest feature where you can name your own price. This is great for those that want be on a strict budget. What you’re going to do is tell Priceline where you want to stay, as well as what you want to spend for a hotel. You can also tell them what kind of star rated hotel you want as well.
#3 Try and buy in packages – If you do decide that you want to fly, you’re going to want to make sure that you look into package deals. You’re more than likely going to need a rental car, hotel, and more. When you combine all of them, you can save.
#4 Get free breakfast – If you can do it, get a hotel with free breakfast. This is going to save a few bucks each morning for your family.
#5 Cook food as well – You don’t need to eat out every night when you’re on vacation. If you can land a condo, or a room with a small kitchen, make small meals for lunch and breakfast. There is no reason to eat out 3-4 times a day.
#6 Buy tickets ahead of time – If you’re going to go to an amusement park or something that requires a ticket, try to purchase them online. You will find that you can always save at least 20% by doing so.
#7 Watch the location – You don’t have to be in the middle of it all. You’re going to find that if you get a place outside of the hotspots, you can save a few bucks here. You can always use a taxi or walk to get to where everyone is at.
Another thing that I have found is that when you use cash, you’re going to spend less, so this is another thing to think of. The list can go on and on. Just make sure that you don’t buy a vacation spur of the moment.
This is a guest post written by Tom T. Tom runs FindCashBackCards, a cash back credit card site helping those find the best card that gives the best rewards!
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