If your having some marriage problems, marriage counseling may be an option you may want to consider.Problems in any marriage can cause a disruption within the whole family.I know- I've been there.I can't remember how long I've been divorced.I think it's been at least 5 years, but I know it was hard on the girls when we split. Especially Erika, as she was closest with her dad.
I know we were never soul mates like Gerry and I are.I was 17 when I got married.I never went to marriage counselling.
If your already having problems, don't wait any longer to seek out help if you want your relationship to be saved.At the very least, marriage counseling can help with learning how to handle disagreements.All couples have conflict from time to time in their marriages, it's learning how to deal with those disagreements that's imporant.
If your having problems it's imporant that both sides see that the marriage is in trouble. One of the big problems with marriage breakdown is lack of communication.Another problem is blaming one another.Acknowledge your problems, then work on resolving them.Life's too short to be unhappy in your marriage/relationship.Although some marriages are worth trying to save, don't put up with any behaviour you feel is unacceptable to you. Talk to someone now.
I know we were never soul mates like Gerry and I are.I was 17 when I got married.I never went to marriage counselling.
If your already having problems, don't wait any longer to seek out help if you want your relationship to be saved.At the very least, marriage counseling can help with learning how to handle disagreements.All couples have conflict from time to time in their marriages, it's learning how to deal with those disagreements that's imporant.
If your having problems it's imporant that both sides see that the marriage is in trouble. One of the big problems with marriage breakdown is lack of communication.Another problem is blaming one another.Acknowledge your problems, then work on resolving them.Life's too short to be unhappy in your marriage/relationship.Although some marriages are worth trying to save, don't put up with any behaviour you feel is unacceptable to you. Talk to someone now.
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