Happy New Year Everyone! I'm a bit late getting on here today....just doing housework,( Saturday is big housework day here: dusting,bathrooms, windexing,etc..).I did want to wish all my readers a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year though, before the day slips away.Have to head off to the hospital later as well. Granny is still in there.
Did you all stay up till midnight last night? Gerry and I were asleep by 11:30.LOL
Most of the adults I talk to usually go to family's for New Year's Eve. The younger crowd go out to socials and the bar, where my daughters were last night, and say, it is mostly a young crowd out.
New Year's resolutions? Gerry and I don't make any.I guess if anything, it would be to try to continue stretching our dollars. It's been almost a year since I've been off work and not searching as much for a job as I was before.I love blogging and am looking at trying to bring in a few dollars through advertising on the site.We manage, and I'm much happier with what I do now....just being home.With having anxiety and IBS, working outside the home isn't at times the easiest thing to balance.
My dad's 67th birthday is today, and I have my niece's 3rd birthday and a brother's birthday this month as well.The reviews I sometimes do help with gifts for them.
Look forward to more giveaways from us in the new year. It's been sort of slow with them over the holidays, as most of our sponsers have taken time off and have been quite busy with the Christmas rush.
All the best in 2011!

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