It's always nice to be able to bring in a little bit of cash -even if you are stay at home. Whether it's sewing or baking, mystery shopping or babysitting. I myself am currently on unemployment insurance benefits from a part time job I was laid off from last year- due to cut backs.I don't get alot so I don't spend alot..I try to save what I can.Soon it will run out. I do mystery shopping for a little extra and I do some surveys.
Gerry brings in the full time income so we depend mostly on that income and are careful with it.
If you are looking for some ways to bring in some extra cash- you may try any of the following:
-Sell your unwanted stuff on ebay, craigslist, consignment stores or at a yard sale.
-Have extra space?- such as garage space, yard space, house space? You may wish to consider renting part of the garage for storage to someone who lives in an apartment and doesn't have much of their own, or a piece of your huge yard to let someone keep a garden, or have extra rooms in the basement or a guest house your not using? You may wish to take in a billet or boarder.
-Have skills? Perhaps you can teach a class locally- sell your skills to the local arts council or recreation centre.
-Get a part time or casual job.. something your not too committed to.Pet sit, house sit, do errands for the elderly.
-If your crafty you can sell at local sales and farmers markets or on Ebay or
-Take surveys on line, mystery shop, join focus groups
-Sell garden produce, berries, jams, crafts and baking at local markets or by word of mouth/bulletin board ads.
If there is something perhaps that I have missed that you are bringing in a little extra money with, I'd love to hear about it in the comments.

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I do the same things to bring in extra income. Our local farmer's market started up this year, and I have sold lots of jams, fresh veggies and stuff. I am slowly adding crafts to my table since it appears the market will go on until nearly Christmas. I knitted beanies and am making gift baskets.
ReplyDeleteThis farmers market is unique in that I don't have to be there and it is open six days a week. They run everything through their register and pay the taxes on my sales, and do it all for a 15% commission. It is a nice adjunct to my part time job, and allows me to be at home quite a bit, doing the things I love.
Keep up your good work! Keep encouraging folks to live within their means. It's such a joyful thing!
Wow- that is a great way that they are selling. Never heard of that before.It's a long day when one has to sit at their tables and it's a slow day.
ReplyDeleteThanking you for your nice comment...