We have a new giveaway...we are giving away the book: Buy More Pay Less by Corey Sandler
Money-saving tips to negotiate any purchase--from food, entertainment, household items, and office equipment to cars, insurance, real estate, and airplane tickets. Graphs, charts & illustrations.
We will be giving this book away on September 30th.
Deadline for entries is September 29th with the draw being September 30th at noon CST.
One entry will be drawn from all comments through random # selector.
This drawing is open to Canada/USA.Winner will be posted on the site.
Book choice subject to availabilty at time of drawing.
To enter please leave a money saving tip in the comment section , with your name and email.

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Do not buy things you normally wouldn't just because you have a coupon for it.
Buy in bulk necessary items. We use our wearhouse store pass weekly. Charlotte
Try to opt-out of consumerism(which is very hard, I know). When I try to take the time to distinguish between needs and wants, and then try to limit myself to the needs, I cut my spending by about 70%.
ReplyDeleteAlicia Webster
We find things at garage sales and second hand stores, also there are some things you can shop for on the internet and save a lot of money, thanks.
ReplyDeleteShop the sales, stock up on non perishables, use coupons ONLY for items you'd ordinarily purchase
ReplyDeletebuy on sale mverno@roadrunner.com
ReplyDeleteMost families live in dread of big budget expenditures--new tires for the car, a replacement water heater, unexpected medical/dental expenses. Truth is, as financially painful as those bills are, the real drain on the family budget comes in recurring expenses. Family members need to commit to conserving electricity, gas and gasoline as a regular habit. Making choices about routine expenses is difficult but saves money.
We swap goods and services with friends and relatives-why buy a gizmo when Uncle Charlie has one that he doesn't use that often? Thanks!
ReplyDeletecheck the flyers every week to see what is on sale and use coupons
Buy a water filter and not bottled water
Buy in bulk and stock up on things you actually use that are on sale. Buy canned goods at discount grocery stores - it is the same stuff. Save your money to buy fresh meat and produce at the better stores.
ReplyDeleteI buy things on sale and use a coupons for i get the items for free or just pennies.
ReplyDeletereneetaylor at sympatico dot ca
Keep a spending log. What you think are your financial priorities may not be reflected in where your money is actually going.
ReplyDeleteI buy cheaper cuts of meat and cook them in the crock pot, which makes the meat much more tender. Thanks! :)
ReplyDeleteMake a list of the items in your freezer with dates and use the oldest up first. sharonaquilino(at)hotmail(dot)com
ReplyDeletewhen using dryer sheets cut them in half they last twice as long and the clothes are still the same con5459(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteDon't shop when you are really hungry or thirsty. i find that I tend to buy way too much if I do.
ReplyDeleteUse coupons when items are on sale to get them for their lowest price.
ReplyDeletepkildow at gmail dot com
Use coupons in combination with store sales!
ReplyDeleteResearch the best deals on the internet before making any major purchase!
Some people spend a day deciding on what restaurant they will eat dinner but spend only a few minutes when deciding to buy a major item.
ReplyDeleteGet healthy. Your health will directly impact the cost of life insurance and, in some cases, can reduce the cost of your health insurance.
ReplyDeleteI no longer pay to have my hair colored or cut, or to buy cosmetics, get a facial etc because of participating in a site called inner rewards -look it up on google! I've also given and taken from freecycle.org
ReplyDeleteUse coupons and buy in bulk to save the most.
check clearance aisles and areas first you will be amazed what you find there minsthins at optonline dot net
ReplyDeleteI combine coupons with sale items.
ReplyDeleteOnly use your ATM card at your own bank - this eliminates lots of high dollar bank fees.
ReplyDeleteI stock up when prices are at their lowest on products we use regularly. I always buy things if I can get them free/very cheap with coupons and if my family can't use them I donate to a local food pantry/shelter.
ReplyDeleteI use coupons and shop clearence! THanks!
Buy and sale and use coupons - but only for things you need.
ReplyDeleteUse free coupons with a "Buy One, Get One Free" promotion!
I really watch circulars to match coupons with. If it is something we use, I stock up on it. I'm skullaria at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteMatch coupons with on sale items and rebates!
ReplyDeleteUnplug appliances that you aren't using to keep them from pulling energy, I recently tried this and my electric bill was $26 cheaper than it typically is.
ReplyDeleteComparison shop for large ticket items. Sometimes the savings can be substantial. garrettsambo@aol.com
ReplyDeleteShop Freecycle and Craigslist. Freecycle helps us clear out unwanted items without the hassle of a yard sale and give us the change to get something we really need at no cost.
ReplyDeleteI print lots of coupons from the internet and try to use them when those items are on sale, so then I save even more money! Also, for online shopping, I use ebates and any coupon codes I can find.
ReplyDeleteWatch the "due" dates on your bills to avoid late fees. Paying your credit cards as soon as you get the bill reduces interest charges.
ReplyDeleteStockpile items you always use when on sale.. this is what I do all the time.
ReplyDeleteI use coupons and buy store brands
ReplyDeleteMy money saving tip is to combine coupons with sales when grocery shopping.
I don't buy what isn't "good" for me. "Good" changes often, from chips/cookies to a new shirt and why "good" is "good"....but it works!
Shop for clothing from the back of the store forward. This is where they hide all of the big discount items.
ReplyDeleteMake a list of needs versus wants, you might just find you don't need as much as you think you do.
ReplyDeleteparyjeja at sbcglobal dot net
Use CFU bulbs instead of regular light bulbs. Pay your bills online and save the cost of postage.